Sri Anumula Revanth Reddy Hon'ble Chief Minister of Telangana

Sri Damodar Rajanarasimha The Hon'ble Health, Medical & Family Welfare Minister

Telangana Medical Council

Sri Anumula Revanth Reddy

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Telangana

Sri Damodar Rajanarasimha

The Hon'ble Health, Medical & Family Welfare Minister

What's New

Credit Points are must even for above 65 years Doctors applying for the Renewal Registrations.

-- Counseling for the FMG's to be conducted on 16 December 2024 to perform Compulsory Rotational Internship in Telangana (Document has been uploaded under Services/View Downloads.)

-- Declaration Proforma document to all organizers who conduct CPD Program (Document has been uploaded under Services/View Downloads.)

-- Dec-2023 and May-2024 batch FMG Internship applications allotted for 2 Years are clarified and same has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads. if any quarries regarding the same can contact TGMC.

-- Notification for the Applicants of FMG’s to perform Internship has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- TGMC is inviting Applications from eligible candidates for 1 Junior Assistant - Direct & 2 Vigilance Officers - Contract posts in the Telangana Medical Council -- Notification Document uploaded under Services/ view Downloads

-- Only 100 tokens per day will be issued up to 12:00noon for both Tatkal and Non Tatkal. All the enquiries with the Registrar TGMC will be closed by 02:00PM. --- Timings will be strictly followed.

-- Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Registrar in Telangana Medical Council, Advertisement uploaded under Services/ view Downloads

-- Letter to all the Medical Colleges along with the list of students allocated to the Medical Colleges has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- All FMG candidates who have submitted their application in Telangana Medical Council for Internship in Telangana State are informed that, the Counselling for allocation of Internship will be held on 18th May 2024 from 10:00 A.M onwards in the Auditorium, Osmania Medical College, koti, Hyderabad.

-- List of FMG Candidates who are allocated internship in May 2023 has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Notification for the Applicants of FMG’s to perform Internship has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Circular to all the Hospitals and Clinics in Telangana has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Notice to Doctors & General Public - Document Reporting Unqualified Practitioners Quacks has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Notification on Legal & Anti Quackery Committees has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Provisional Registration & Internship Allocation has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Foreign Medical Graduates Internship Counseling Notification has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Revised Fee Structures list for various Registrations Effective from 15-Feb-2024
has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Due to change in Fee Stuctures @ Registrations the Online Application service/Server will be down from 14-Feb from 08:00 PM to 15-Feb 08:00 AM.

-- Co-Opted Members nominated by Telangana State Medical Council has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- Monday (i.e. 08 JAN 2024) tatkal and Non tatkal certificates will not be issued due to Oath ceremony of newly elected board members for TSMC

-- Code of Medical Ethics Published by Telangana Medical Council has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.

-- 2023 Elections results declared

-- 2023 Telangana Gazette has been uploded under Services/Veiw Downloads

CME Credit Points Notification for Renewal Registrations has been uploaded under Services/Veiw Downloads.


Doctors who crossed 65 and above years, kindly visit personally the TSMC Office for renewal of their basic Medical Qualification i.e MBBS, which is compulsory for every Doctor.

- From 01-Nov-2023 all Essential TSMC services (Tatkals/Non Tatkals) are available on TSMC online website. TSMC will not entertain physical presence for services which are available online.

-- Guidelines issued by TSMC for Registration of Provisional and Final Medical Registration of Foreign Medical Graduates under Services/veiw Downloads.

-- The TSMC Online Server will be taken for maintenance from 20:00 hrs to next day morning 08:00 hrs

-- The Elections are going to be conducted for 13 members to Telangana State Medical Council, all the Registered Medical Practitioners are hereby advised to renew their registration Certificate who are yet to be renewed by paying prescribed fees and also update their latest address, contact number and email ID by enclosing the copy of registration certificate on or before 15.07.2023. Those who have not updated their latest details within the due date, Telangana State Medical Council will not be held responsible.

-- TSMC Office Timings starts from Monday to Saturday between 9:30AM to 05:00PM except Second Saturday.

-- 9:30 am to 1:00 pm only first 50 tokens will be given.

-- Issuing Original Certificates between 01:00PM to 04:00PM


We register doctors to practise medicine in the state of Telangana. Our purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine.

Our Role

We are the only government authorized independent regulator for doctors in Telangana State. Our legal purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by making sure that doctors meet our standards for good medical practice. We do that by controlling entry to the medical register and setting the standards for medical schools and postgraduate education and training.
We also determine the principles and values that underpin good medical practice and we take action when those standards are not met. We have strong and effective legal powers designed to maintain the standards that the public have a right to expect from doctors. We are not here to protect the medical profession – their interests are protected by others.
Our job is to protect patients. When any doctor fails to meet our standards, we will act to protect patients from harm – if necessary, we will remove the doctor from our register and remove their right to practise medicine.


Patients’ interests are best served by independent, accountable regulation. We are therefore independent of the government, although authorized by it. We are independent of any other group or organisation and are publicly accountable for the outcome of our functions. Independent, accountable regulation must:

Legal Status

Telangana Medical Council is a body corporate established by an Act of the State Legislature vide Act.No.23 of 1968, by integrating the hitherto State Medical Councils i.e. Hyderabad and Andhra Medical Council. Over time, legislation has been introduced that defines our powers and responsibilities in the various areas of our work.

Our History

Telangana Medical Council is a body corporate established by an Act of the State Legislature vide Act.No.23 of 1968, by integrating the hitherto State Medical Councils i.e.


We protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by making sure that doctors follow proper standards of medical practice.


Our vision forms the basis on which our organisation operates. We want every decision we make, every interaction we have and every email we write to embody our values.

About Us

We register doctors to practise medicine in the state of Telangana. Our purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine.

Emergency Contacts







Blood Bank

© Copyright 2015-2024. All rights reserved. Telangana Medical Council – Developed & maintained by Pinank Solutions